As a Brand Designer expert, I will help you building your memorable and strong brand.
Every business has a distinctive voice and a unique story to tell. That is why it’s time to unleash your brand personality, capture your audience’s attention, and blow away the competition. As a brand designer, I would like to help you share your story creatively and authentically. Together we can build and grow your business faster.
Hey there, I’m Marsela. I’m a Copenhagen (DK)-based brand designer and marketeer, but I work with clients all over the world in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
I’m also a business owner, an advocate of entrepreneurs, and a fashion lover. I spend my days crafting brand identities, editing books, helping people with their style and biking! well as chasing after 2 kids, 1 husband, and taking care of my plants. In other words, I am a multipotential person.
I work with personal brands and companies on a variety of design projects, but my sweet spot is visual and verbal identity, and personal branding.
Every time you see how your brand looks, something is missing and you - and likely your customers - don't smile with the eyes.
The last time your business rebranded, La Macarena was the summer hit song and Zubaz pants were in fashion.
As entrepreneur or company owner, your business idea is great but the brand identity and design process is your weakness.
Looking different is your style dream, but you don't have time and you feel your style and you don't fit anymore. It is urgent to reduce and change wardrobe, but how?
Or even if you just need a cup of coffee to discuss intercultural ideas, how to believe in you and in your brand or about danish weather...
If you are looking for an aesthetic, consistent visual and verbal style throughout your brand and/or your marketing material, authentic and memorable brand design that speaks to your customers, or some slick creative for your next campaign, then we could be the perfect match.
Or if you are a person wanting something new in your style, reducing and changing your wardrobe to fit more in your needs, personality and even your brand, but you don't know how can start, then we can get in touch and work together.
Latest on Instagram | @marselaroswall
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